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2 posters

    creepy af :: kole

    Remy Monroe
    Remy Monroe

    Posts : 374
    Female Age : 33
    Daemon Name : Vex
    Eilemaiden : Earalas
    Location : Earalas Estate

    creepy af :: kole Empty creepy af :: kole

    Post by Remy Monroe Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:35 pm

    Remy was making a day trip of traveling to an eilemaiden she had never been to. It had come to her attention this morning that Kole Roden, the overloridian of Deilig, had never sent over that one thing that he was supposed to send over a few weeks ago.

    Hadley was busy all day at therapy, so Remy hadn't been able to let him know what she had found in the unfinished paperwork. So, like all the other times Remy had done Hadley's work for him, she was gonna do it today.

    Knock, knock, knock. Jeeze, the creepy Deilig overloridian had the most giant estate Remy had ever seen in her life.
    Kole Roden (deceased)
    Kole Roden (deceased)

    Posts : 95
    Male Age : 45
    Daemon Name : Briar
    Eilemaiden : Deilig
    Location : Kingdom Deilig

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Kole Roden (deceased) Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:13 am

    Kole was sitting in his dining room, wearing a black, soft robe, drinking coffee and reading a newspaper. When he wasn't plotting or killing clio he actually did normal things. He was currently reading the Deilig obituary, and chuckled lightly to himself. "Got what he had coming to him," he mumbled, while reading about some recent clio he had ordered some henchmen to kill. He sort of did normal things.

    He was interrupted when a servant came to him. "Sir," he said, unable to make eye contact. "The adviser of the overloridian of Earalas is here to speak with you." He scowled, and his good mood evaporated instantly. "What does she want?" The servant shrugged. "Do you want me to bring her in here?" He asked. "Whatever."

    The servant nodded and quickly left to get the adviser. They all knew enough by now how to read and understand Kole.

    "Dammit," he grumbled. "These fucks from Earalas don't know when to mind their fucking business."
    Remy Monroe
    Remy Monroe

    Posts : 374
    Female Age : 33
    Daemon Name : Vex
    Eilemaiden : Earalas
    Location : Earalas Estate

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Remy Monroe Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:21 am

    Remy was shocked to see how nervous all of Kole's workers seemed. Didn't they live here? Why were they so shaky?

    A guy who didn't tell Remy his name led her through the estate. It was dark and creepy on the inside, just like Kole's heart. Everything was ornate, but in that scary kind of way. Gothic. It made Remy's skin crawl.

    Finally, after going through multiple hallways that Remy wasn't sure she would be able to find her way back out of without help, they got to Overloridian Roden's office.

    "Thank you," Remy said, turning to thank the guy who had led her here. But he was already gone. Even creepier.

    Remy readjusted her blouse and skirt and knocked on the door. "Hello?" she asked, peeking her head in.
    Kole Roden (deceased)
    Kole Roden (deceased)

    Posts : 95
    Male Age : 45
    Daemon Name : Briar
    Eilemaiden : Deilig
    Location : Kingdom Deilig

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Kole Roden (deceased) Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:38 am

    "Come in," Kole replied irritably. He hoped to make this as quick as possible. He was so tired of these clio coming to his Kingdom.

    When she walked into the room he gestured to a chair. "Sit," he commanded. As she sat, he set his newspaper down and looked at her with an unhappy expression on his face. "What do you want?"
    Remy Monroe
    Remy Monroe

    Posts : 374
    Female Age : 33
    Daemon Name : Vex
    Eilemaiden : Earalas
    Location : Earalas Estate

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Remy Monroe Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:48 am

    Remy was a little put off by this guy's attitude. What the hell was twisting his panties? He didn't even introduce himself or ask for her name or anything.

    "Well, sir," Remy began, "I'm Remy Monroe, Hadley Sterling's adviser from Earalas. I was just going over some paperwork this morning and realized that we had never been sent the one thing from that one time. The papers said it should have arrived a few weeks ago, but I can't find any record of it actually being delivered."
    Kole Roden (deceased)
    Kole Roden (deceased)

    Posts : 95
    Male Age : 45
    Daemon Name : Briar
    Eilemaiden : Deilig
    Location : Kingdom Deilig

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Kole Roden (deceased) Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:55 am

    Remy wrote: "I'm Remy Monroe, Hadley Sterling's adviser from Earalas. I was just going over some paperwork this morning and realized that we had never been sent the one thing from that one time. The papers said it should have arrived a few weeks ago, but I can't find any record of it actually being delivered."

    "Well, Remy Monroe," Kole spat. "I don't know if you're aware, but Deilig has cut off all ties with Earalas." Stupid woman. Not only was Hadley nosy, he was also incompetent. He was sure he wouldn't have let his precious adviser come here alone. No, this idiot came here on her own. Hadley's idiotic choices made Kole even more angrier. "Are we done now?"
    Remy Monroe
    Remy Monroe

    Posts : 374
    Female Age : 33
    Daemon Name : Vex
    Eilemaiden : Earalas
    Location : Earalas Estate

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Remy Monroe Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:09 am

    If Remy had been startled by Kole's initial demeanor, it was nothing to how she felt now. Though he hadn't come right out and said it, she suddenly felt threatened. It was a new feeling, and made her heart flutter a little.

    She was aware of Earalas' sudden discontinued trade with Deilig, but when she had asked Hadley about it he had brushed it off. Now Kole was saying it had been Deilig that had cut off Earalas? Did this have something to do with the night club drama that poor Rupert had lost his life over?

    "Overloridian," Remy said, trying to keep her voice steady and surprisingly succeeding, "I'll happily leave after we get that important thing." They had already traded whatever it was for this important thing. And Remy had traveled for two hours to get here! She wasn't just going to up and leave without it. "I brought all the paperwork-- it has both yours and Hadley's signatures on it for the initial trade agreement, but nothing after that. It never arrived."
    Kole Roden (deceased)
    Kole Roden (deceased)

    Posts : 95
    Male Age : 45
    Daemon Name : Briar
    Eilemaiden : Deilig
    Location : Kingdom Deilig

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Kole Roden (deceased) Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:20 am

    Kole sighed, clearly frustrated. Was he not clear enough before? "Do you not understand Amelian?" He asked her. "Let me spell it out for you," he said, emphasizing with his hands. "Deilig. Has. Cut. Off. Ties. To. Earalas." This woman was starting to give Kole a migraine. He knew that his signature was on that document, but that was when Earalas and Deilig still worked together, but Hadley fucked all of that up.
    Remy Monroe
    Remy Monroe

    Posts : 374
    Female Age : 33
    Daemon Name : Vex
    Eilemaiden : Earalas
    Location : Earalas Estate

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Remy Monroe Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:26 am

    "Excuse me?" Remy asked incredulously. Frightened though she may be, Remy did not tolerate clio talking to her like that, or with that tone of voice.

    "I am simply saying that this document and trade agreement was signed before ties were cut off. That means this still needs to be honored. You received what you signed for, now I would like to collect what rightfully belongs to Earalas."
    Kole Roden (deceased)
    Kole Roden (deceased)

    Posts : 95
    Male Age : 45
    Daemon Name : Briar
    Eilemaiden : Deilig
    Location : Kingdom Deilig

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Kole Roden (deceased) Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:37 am

    "No," Kole replied simply. "I refuse!" He shook his head, stood up and slammed his fists down onto the table loudly. "Maybe if your overloridian could mind his own goddamn business you'd have your precious thing!" He pointed an angry finger at her. "And I think you need to mind your own goddamn business too!"
    Remy Monroe
    Remy Monroe

    Posts : 374
    Female Age : 33
    Daemon Name : Vex
    Eilemaiden : Earalas
    Location : Earalas Estate

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Remy Monroe Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:44 am

    "You refuse?" Remy asked, completely blown away. "You're saying you are denying me access to something that Earalas has already purchased from you because Hadley is annoying?"

    She stood up with him, jumping a little when he slammed his fist down onto his desk. "And excuse me, but I think this is my goddamned business. Right now you are stealing from us. That thing belongs to Earalas. Don't you point your finger at me." He might be an overloridian, but he was fucking nuts. She felt her knees shake a little, both with rage and with fear, but tried to stand as tall as she could.
    Kole Roden (deceased)
    Kole Roden (deceased)

    Posts : 95
    Male Age : 45
    Daemon Name : Briar
    Eilemaiden : Deilig
    Location : Kingdom Deilig

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Kole Roden (deceased) Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:54 am

    "You dumb bitch!" Kole shouted. "How dare you show up uninvited in my home!" As he shouted, his shadow became solid, and grew behind him until it's head touched the ceiling. "And start demanding bullshit from me!" His fists collided with the table again, knocking over his cup of coffee. "I don't think you understand who you're dealing with, Remy Monroe!"
    Remy Monroe
    Remy Monroe

    Posts : 374
    Female Age : 33
    Daemon Name : Vex
    Eilemaiden : Earalas
    Location : Earalas Estate

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Remy Monroe Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:00 am

    Remy's eyes grew twice their size as Kole started screaming obscenities at her. She watched as his shadow became corporeal and stretched to be the size of the room, giant and looming.

    "What the fuck is wrong with you?" she asked with a hard-to-stabilize quivering voice, horrified at his threatening tone. She backed up to the door, her legs now visibly shaking.
    Kole Roden (deceased)
    Kole Roden (deceased)

    Posts : 95
    Male Age : 45
    Daemon Name : Briar
    Eilemaiden : Deilig
    Location : Kingdom Deilig

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Kole Roden (deceased) Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:12 am

    Kole was satisfied. He could tell she was scared, terrified. This all could have gone a lot more smoothly if she had just accepted the fact that she wasn't leaving with what she wanted. Fuck it would have been a perfect fucking day if the dumb bitch had just stayed in Earalas. "Why don't you go run to your worthless overloridian," he said darkly. "Before you don't have legs to run with." His shadow grinned widely, baring sharp, black teeth.
    Remy Monroe
    Remy Monroe

    Posts : 374
    Female Age : 33
    Daemon Name : Vex
    Eilemaiden : Earalas
    Location : Earalas Estate

    creepy af :: kole Empty Re: creepy af :: kole

    Post by Remy Monroe Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:47 am

    The shadow creature's grin sent ice straight to Remy's heart.

    Leave. Now. Vex ordered, not sure how much he could take of this.

    Remy stayed silent, not able to come up with anything to say. It was probably a good thing that she hadn't, anyway, though she did think of things to say on her way home. Which, and I probably don't have to tell you this, she did turn right around and leave.

    Remy swallowed, begged her legs to cease being jelly for just a few more minutes, and turned and left his office silently. Thankfully, her mind worked a little better on the adrenaline rush she was currently experiencing, so she was able to find her way out of the creepy fucking maze Kole's estate was.

    The entire way to the balloon station she walked as quickly as possible, looking over her shoulder frequently. What a fucking messed up thing that had just happened. Who threatened someone so openly like that? One thing she did know? Hadley knew a lot more about this Kole man than he had let on, and he hadn't told her about it.

    But he was going to now.

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